In this article you will find the 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 and 2013 GMC Sierra fuse box diagrams, information on the location of the fuse boxes inside the vehicle and the assignment of each fuse (fuse layout) and relay.
The GMC Sierra’s cigar lighter (power outlet) fuses are fuse #55 (2007) or #53 (2008) (Cigarette Lighter, Auxiliary Power Outlet) in the engine compartment fuse box and fuses #2 “AUX PWR2” (Rear Accessory Power Outlet), #16 “AUX PWR” (Accessory Power Outlets) in the instrument panel fuse box.
Fuse box location
Instrument Panel
The instrument panel fuse block access door is located on the driver side edge of the instrument panel.

Center Instrument Panel Fuse Block
The center instrument panel fuse block is located underneath the instrument panel, to the left of the steering column.
Engine compartment
The fusebox is located in the engine compartment, on the driver side of the vehicle.

Fuse box diagrams
Engine compartment

Assignment of the fuses in the engine compartment (2007)
№ | Usage |
1 | Right Trailer Stop/Turn Lamp |
2 | Not Used |
3 | Electronic Stability Suspension Control, Automatic Level Control Exhaust |
4 | Left Trailer Stop/Turn Lamp |
5 | Engine Controls |
6 | Engine Control Module, Throttle Control |
7 | Trailer Brake Controller |
8 | Front Washer |
9 | Oxygen Sensors |
10 | Anti-lock Brakes System 2 |
11 | Trailer Back-up Lamps |
12 | Driver’s Side Low-Beam Headlamp |
13 | Engine Control Module (Battery) |
14 | Fuel Injectors, Ignition Coils (Right Side) |
15 | Transmission Control Module (Battery) |
16 | Vehicle Back-up Lamps |
17 | Passenger’s Side Low-Beam Headlamp |
18 | Air Conditioning Compressor |
19 | Oxygen Sensors |
20 | Transmission Controls (Ignition) |
21 | Fuel Pump |
22 | Fuel System Control Module |
23 | Not Used |
24 | Not Used |
25 | Fuel Injectors, Ignition Coils (Left Side) |
26 | Trailer Parle Lamps |
27 | Driver’s Side Parle Lamps |
28 | Passenger’s Side Parle Lamps |
29 | Fog Lamps |
30 | Horn |
31 | Passenger’s Side High-Beam Headlamp |
32 | Daytime Running Lamps |
33 | Driver’s Side High-Beam Headlamp |
34 | Not Used |
35 | Sunroof |
36 | Key Ignition System, Theft Deterrent System |
37 | Windshield Wiper |
38 | SEO B2 Upfitter Usage (Battery) |
39 | Electric Adjustable Pedals |
40 | Climate Controls (Battery) |
41 | Airbag System (Ignition) |
42 | Amplifier |
43 | Audio System |
44 | Miscellaneous (Ignition), Cruise Control |
45 | Tailgate Open/Close Assist |
46 | Airbag System (Battery) |
47 | OnStar®, Rear Seat Entertainment Display |
48 | Instrument Panel Cluster |
49 | Power Take-Off |
50 | Auxiliary Climate Control (Ignition), Compass-Temperature Mirror |
51 | Center High-Mounted Stoplamp (CHMSL) |
52 | Rear Defogger |
53 | Heated Mirrors |
54 | SEO B1 Upfitter Usage (Battery) |
55 | Cigarette Lighter, Auxiliary Power Outlet |
56 | Automatic Level Control Compressor Relay, SEO Upfitter Usage |
57 | Climate Controls (Ignition) |
58 | Engine Control Module, Secondary Fuel Pump (Ignition) |
J-Case | |
59 | Cooling Fan 1 |
60 | Automatic Level Control Compressor |
61 | Heavy Duty AntWock Brake System |
62 | Cooling Fan 2 |
63 | Anti-lock Brake System 1 |
64 | Starter |
65 | Stud 2 (Trailer Brakes) |
66 | Left Bussed Electrical Center 1 |
67 | Not Used |
68 | Heated Windshield Washer System |
69 | Four-Wheel Drive System |
70 | Stud 1 (Trailer Connector Battery Power) (Optional – 40A Fuse Required) |
71 | Mid-Bussed Electrical Center 1 |
72 | Climate Control Blower |
73 | Tailgate Open/Close Assist |
74 | Left Bussed Electrical Center 2 |
Relays | |
FAN HI | Cooling Fan High Speed |
FAN LO | Cooling Fan Low Speed |
ENG EXH VLV | Not Used |
FAN CNTRL | Cooling Fan Control |
HDLP LO/HID | Low-Beam Headlamp |
FOG LAMP | Front Fog Lamps |
A/C CMPRSR | Air Conditioning Compressor |
STRTR | Starter |
PWR/TRN | Powertrain |
FUEL PMP | Fuel Pump |
PRK LAMP | Parking Lamps |
REAR DEFOG | Rear Defogger |
RUN/CRANK | Switched Power |
Instrument Panel

Assignment of the fuses in the Instrument Panel (2007)
Name | Usage |
REAR SEAT | Rear Seats |
AUX PWR2 | Rear Accessory Power Outlet |
SWC BKLT | Steering Wheel Controls Backlight |
DDM | Driver Door Module |
CTSY | Dome Lamps, Driver’s Side Turn Signal |
LT STOP TRN | Driver Side Turn Signal, Stoplamp |
DIM | Instrument Panel Back Lighting |
RT STOP TRN | Passenger Side Turn Signal, Stoplamp |
PDM | Passenger Door Module, Universal Home Remote System |
UNLCK2 | Power Door Lock 2 (Unlock Feature) |
LCK2 | Power Door Lock 2 (Lock Feature) |
STOP LAMPS | Stoplamps, Center-High Mounted Stoplamp |
REAR HVAC | Rear Climate Controls |
PWRMIR | Power Mirror |
BCM | Body Control Module (BCM) |
AUX PWR | Accessory Power Outlets |
IS LAMPS | Interior Lamps |
UNLCK1 | Power Door Lock 1 (Unlock Feature) |
OBS DET | Ultrasonic Rear Parking Assist |
LCK1 | Power Door Lock 1 (Lock Feature) |
REAR WPR | Not Used |
DSM | Driver Seat Module, Remote Keyless Entry System |
DRV UNLCK | Driver’s Power Door Lock (Unlock Feature) |
Circuit Breaker | |
LT DR | Driver’s Side Power Window Circuit Breaker |
Harness Connector | |
LT DR | Driver’s Door Harness Connection |
BODY | Harness Connector |
BODY | Harness Connector |
Center Instrument Panel Fuse Block

Assignment of the fuses in the Center Instrument Panel Fuse Block (2007)
Harness Connector | Usage |
BODY 2 | Body Harness Connector 2 |
BODY 1 | Body Harness Connector 1 |
BODY 3 | Body Harness Connector 3 |
HEADLINER 3 | Headliner Harness Connector 3 |
HEADLINER 2 | Headliner Harness Connector 2 |
HEADLINER 1 | Headliner Harness Connector 1 |
BRAKE CLUTCH | Brake Clutch Harness Connector |
SEO/UPFITTER | Special Equipment Option Upfitter Harness Connector |
Circuit Breaker | |
CB1 | Passenger’s Side Power Window Circuit Breaker |
CB2 | Passenger’s Seat Circuit Breaker |
CB3 | Driver’s Seat Circuit Breaker |
CB4 | Not Used |
Engine compartment

Assignment of the fuses in the engine compartment (2008)
№ | Usage |
1 | Right Trailer Stop/Turn Lamp |
2 | Electronic Stability Suspension Control, Automatic Level Control Exhaust |
3 | Left Trailer Stop/Turn Lamp |
4 | Engine Controls |
5 | Engine Control Module, Throttle Control |
6 | Trailer Brake Controller |
7 | Front Washer |
8 | Oxygen Sensors |
9 | Anti-lock Brakes System 2 |
10 | Trailer Back-up Lamps |
11 | Driver’s Side Low-Beam Headlamp |
12 | Engine Control Module (Battery) |
13 | Fuel Injectors, Ignition Coils (Right Side) |
14 | Transmission Control Module (Battery) |
15 | Vehicle Back-up Lamps |
16 | Passenger’s Side Low-Beam Headlamp |
17 | Air Conditioning Compressor |
18 | Oxygen Sensors |
19 | Transmission Controls (Ignition) |
20 | Fuel Pump |
21 | Fuel System Control Module |
22 | Not Used |
23 | Not Used |
24 | Fuel Injectors, Ignition Coils (Left Side) |
25 | Trailer Park Lamps |
26 | Driver’s Side Park Lamps |
27 | Passengers Side Park Lamps |
28 | Fog Lamps |
29 | Horn |
30 | Passengers Side High-Beam Headlamp |
31 | Daytime Running Lamps |
32 | Drivers Side High-Beam Headlamp |
33 | Daytime Running Lights 2 |
34 | Sunroof |
35 | Key Ignition System, Tbeft Deterrent System |
36 | Windshield Wiper |
37 | SEO B2 Upfitter Usage (Battery) |
38 | Electric Adjustable Pedals |
39 | Climate Controls (Battery) |
40 | Airbag System (Ignition) |
41 | Amplifier |
42 | Audio System |
43 | Miscellaneous (Ignition), Cruise Control |
44 | Not Used |
45 | Airbag System (Battery) |
46 | Instrument Panel Cluster |
47 | Power Take-Off |
48 | Auxiliary Climate Control (Ignition), Compass-Temperature Mirror |
49 | Center High-Mounted Stoplamp (CHMSL) |
50 | Rear Defogger |
51 | Heated Mirrors |
52 | SEO B1 Upfitter Usage (Battery) |
53 | Cigarette Lighter, Auxiliary Power Outlet |
54 | Automatic Level Control Compressor Relay, SEO Upfitter Usage |
55 | Climate Controls (Ignition) |
56 | Engine Control Module, Secondary Fuel Pump (Ignition) |
J-Case | |
57 | Cooling Fan 1 |
58 | Nit Used |
59 | Heavy Duty AntMock Brake System |
60 | Cooling Fan 2 |
61 | Anti-lock Brake System 1 |
62 | Starter |
63 | Stud 2 {Trailer Brakes) |
64 | Left Bussed Electrical Center 1 |
65 | Not Used |
66 | Heated Windshield Washer System |
67 | Four-Wheel Drive System |
68 | Stud 1 {Trailer Connector Battery Power) (Optional – 40A Fuse Required) |
69 | Mid-Bussed Electrical Center 1 |
70 | Climate Control Blower |
72 | Not Used |
73 | Left Bussed Electrical Center 2 |
Relays | |
FAN HI | Cooling Fan High Speed |
FAN LO | Cooling Fan Low Speed |
ENG EXH VLV | Not Used |
FAN CNTRL | Cooling Fan Control |
HDLP LO/HID | Low-Beam Headlamp |
FOG LAMP | Front Fog Lamps |
A/C CMPRSR | Air Conditioning Compressor |
STRTR | Starter |
PWR/TRN | Powertrain |
FUEL PMP | Fuel Pump |
PRK LAMP | Parking Lamps |
REAR DEFOG | Rear Defogger |
RUN/CRANK | Switched Power |
Instrument Panel

Assignment of the fuses in the Instrument Panel (2008)
№ | Usage |
1 | Rear Seats |
2 | Rear Accessory Power Outlet |
3 | Steering Wheel Controls Backlight |
4 | Driver Door Module |
5 | Dome Lamps, Driver’s Side Turn Signal |
6 | Driver Side Turn Signal, Stoplamp |
7 | Instrument Panel Back Lighting |
8 | Passenger Side Turn Signal, Stoplamp |
9 | Universal Home Remote |
10 | Power Door Lock 2 (Unlock Feature) |
11 | Power Door Lock 2 (Lock Feature) |
12 | Stoplamps, Center-High Mounted Stoplamp |
13 | Rear Climate Controls |
14 | Power Mirror |
15 | Body Control Module (BCM) |
16 | Accessory Power Outlets |
17 | Interior Lamps |
18 | Power Door Lock 1 (Unlock Feature) |
19 | Rear Seat Entertainment |
20 | Ultrasonic Rear Parking Assist |
21 | Power Door Lock 1 (Lock Feature) |
22 | Driver Information Center (DIC) |
23 | Not Used |
24 | Not Used |
25 | Driver Seat Module, Remote Keyless Entry System |
26 | Driver Power Door Lock (Unlock Feature) |
Circuit Breaker | |
LT DR | Driver’s Side Power Window Circuit Breaker |
Harness Connector | |
LT DR | Driver’s Door Harness Connection |
BODY | Harness Connector |
BODY | Harness Connector |
Center Instrument Panel Fuse Block

Assignment of the fuses in the Center Instrument Panel Fuse Block (2008)
Harness Connector | Usage |
BODY 2 | Body Harness Connector 2 |
BODY 1 | Body Harness Connector 1 |
BODY 3 | Body Harness Connector 3 |
HEADLINER 3 | Headliner Harness Connector 3 |
HEADLINER 2 | Headliner Harness Connector 2 |
HEADLINER 1 | Headliner Harness Connector 1 |
SEO/UPFITTER | Special Equipment Option Upfitter Harness Connector |
Circuit Breaker | |
CB1 | Passenger’s Side Power Window Circuit Breaker |
CB2 | Passenger’s Seat Circuit Breaker |
CB3 | Driver’s Seat Circuit Breaker |
CB4 | Rear Sliding Window |
2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013
Engine compartment

Assignment of the fuses in the engine compartment (2009-2013)
№ | Usage |
1 | Right Trailer Stop/Turn Lamp |
2 | Electronic Stabiity Suspension Control, Automatic Level Control Exhaust |
3 | Left Trailer Stop/Turn Lamp |
4 | Engine Controls |
5 | Engine Control Module, Throttle Control |
6 | Trailer Brake Controller |
7 | Front Washer |
8 | Oxygen Sensors |
9 | Anti-lock Brakes System 2 |
10 | Trailer Back-up Lamps |
11 | Driver’s Side Low-Beam Headlamp |
12 | Engine Control Module (Battery) |
13 | Fuel Injectors, Ignition Coils (Right Side) |
14 | Transmission Control Module (Battery) |
15 | Vehicle Back-up Lamps |
16 | Passenger’s Side Low-Beam Headlamp |
17 | Air Conditioning Compressor |
18 | Oxygen Sensors |
19 | Transmission Controls (Ignition) |
20 | Fuel Pump |
21 | Fuel System Control Module |
22 | Not Used |
23 | Not Used |
24 | Fuel Injectors, Ignition Coils (Left Side) |
25 | Trailer Park Lamps |
26 | Driver’s Side Park Lamps |
27 | Passenger’s Side Park Lamps |
28 | Fog Lamps |
29 | Horn |
30 | Passenger’s Side High-Beam Headlamp |
31 | Daytime Running Lamps |
32 | Driver’s Side High-Beam Headlamp |
33 | Daytime Running Lights 2 |
34 | Sunroof |
35 | Key Ignition System, Theft Deterrent System |
36 | Windshield Wiper |
37 | SEO B2 Upfitter Usage (Battery) |
38 | Electric Adjustable Pedals |
39 | Climate Controls (Battery) |
40 | Airbag System (Ignition) |
41 | Amplifier |
42 | Audio System |
43 | Miscellaneous (Ignition), Cruise Control |
44 | Not Used |
45 | Airbag System (Battery) |
46 | Instrument Panel Cluster |
47 | Power Take-Off |
48 | Auxiliary Climate Control (Ignition), Compass-Temperature Mirror |
49 | Center High-Mounted Stoplamp (CHMSL) |
50 | Rear Defogger |
51 | Heated Mirrors |
52 | SEO B1 Upfitter Usage (Battery) |
53 | Cigarette Lighter, Auxiliary Power Outlet |
54 | Automatic Level Control Compressor Relay, SEO Upfitter Usage |
55 | Climate Controls (Ignition) |
56 | Engine Control Module, Secondary Fuel Pump (Ignition) |
J-Case | |
57 | Cooling Fan 1 |
58 | Nit Used |
59 | Heavy Duty AntMock Brake System |
60 | Cooling Fan 2 |
61 | Anti-lock Brake System 1 |
62 | Starter |
63 | Stud 2 {Trailer Brakes) |
64 | Left Bussed Electrical Center 1 |
65 | Not Used |
66 | Heated Windshield Washer System |
67 | Four-Wheel Drive System |
68 | Stud 1 (Trailer Connector Battery Power) (Optional – 40A Fuse Required) |
69 | Mid-Bussed Electrical Center 1 |
70 | Climate Control Blower |
71 | Not Used |
72 | Left Bussed Electrical Center 2 |
Relays | |
FAN HI | Cooling Fan High Speed |
FAN LO | Cooling Fan Low Speed |
ENG EXH VLV | Not Used |
FAN CNTRL | Cooling Fan Control |
HDLP LO/HID | Low-Beam Headlamp |
FOG LAMP | Front Fog Lamps |
A/C CMPRSR | Air Conditioning Compressor |
STRTR | Starter |
PWR/TRN | Powertrain |
FUEL PMP | Fuel Pump |
PRK LAMP | Parking Lamps |
REAR DEFOG | Rear Defogger |
RUN/CRANK | Switched Power |
Instrument Panel

Assignment of the fuses in the Instrument Panel (2009-2013)
№ | Usage |
1 | Rear Seats |
2 | Rear Accessory Power Outlet |
3 | Steering Wheel Controls Backlight |
4 | Driver Door Module |
5 | Dome Lamps, Driver’s Side Turn Signal |
6 | Driver Side Turn Signal, Stoplamp |
7 | Instrument Panel Back Lighting |
8 | Passenger Side Turn Signal, Stoplamp |
9 | Universal Home Remote |
10 | Power Door Lock 2 (Unlock Feature) |
11 | Power Door Lock 2 (Lock Feature) |
12 | Stoplamps, Center-High Mounted Stoplamp |
13 | Rear Climate Controls |
14 | Power Mirror |
15 | Body Control Module (BCM) |
16 | Accessory Power Outlets |
17 | Interior Lamps |
18 | Power Door Lock 1 (Unlock Feature) |
19 | Rear Seat Entertainment |
20 | Ultrasonic Rear Parking Assist |
21 | Power Door Lock 1 (Lock Feature) |
22 | Driver Information Center (DIC) |
23 | Not Used |
24 | Not Used |
25 | Driver Seat Module, Remote Keyless Entry System |
26 | Driver Power Door Lock (Unlock Feature) |
Circuit Breaker | |
LT DR | Driver’s Side Power Window Circuit Breaker |
Harness Connector | |
LT DR | Driver’s Door Harness Connection |
BODY | Harness Connector |
BODY | Harness Connector |
Center Instrument Panel Fuse Block

Assignment of the fuses in the Center Instrument Panel Fuse Block (2009-2013)
Harness Connector | Usage |
BODY 2 | Body Harness Connector 2 |
BODY 1 | Body Harness Connector 1 |
BODY 3 | Body Harness Connector 3 |
HEADLINER 3 | Headliner Harness Connector 3 |
HEADLINER 2 | Headliner Harness Connector 2 |
HEADLINER 1 | Headliner Harness Connector 1 |
SEO/UPFITTER | Special Equipment Option Upfitter Harness Connector |
Circuit Breaker | |
CB1 | Passengers Side Power Window Circuit Breaker |
CB2 | Passengers Seat Circuit Breaker |
CB3 | Drivers Seat Circuit Breaker |
CB4 | Rear Sliding Window |