GMC Jimmy 1995-2001 Fuse Layout

gmc jimmy 1995 2001 fuse layout

In this article we take a look at the second-generation GMC Jimmy S-15, produced from 1995 to 2001. Here you will find the GMC Jimmy 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000 and 2001 vehicle electrical system diagram, information on the location of the fuse boxes in the vehicle and the assignment of each fuse (fuse layout) and relay.

Cigar lighter (socket) fuses in the GMC Jimmy:
1995-1997: #7 (PWR AUX) in instrument panel fuse box.
Since 1998: #2 (CIGAR LTR) and #13 (PWR AUX) in instrument panel fuse box.

Fuse Box Location

Instrument Panel Fuse Box

The fuse box is located behind the cover on the driver’s side of the instrument panel. Remove the cover by turning the fastener counterclockwise.

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Engine Compartment Fuse Box

Remove the cover by turning the fastener counterclockwise. To reinstall the cover, push in and turn the fastener clockwise.

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Fuse Box Diagram


Instrument Panel
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Assignment of the fuses in the passenger compartment (1995)

PWR ACCYCircuit Breaker: Power Door Locks, Power Seat, Power Seat Lumbar, RKE
PWR WDOCircuit Breaker: Power Windows
STOP HAZStop Lamps, Hazard Lamps, Chime, CHMSL Relay, CHMSL Lamp
HORN DMDome Lamps, Cargo Lamps, Visor Vanity Mirror, Cigarette Lighter, Inside Rearview Mirror Lamp, Overhead Console Lamps, Glove Box Lamp, Horns, Horn Relay, IP Courtesy Lamps, Power Outside Rearview Mirror, Liftglass Release Motor, Illuminated Entry Module
T/L CTSYPark Lamps, License Plate Lamps, Electric Shift Transfer Case Module, Under Hood Lamp, Rear Wiper, Fog Lamp Relay, Door Switch Lamp
GAUGESAlternator Field, VTC, A/C Compressor Relay, Cluster Chime Module, DRL Relay Coil, Four-Wheel Drive Indictor Lamp, DRL Module, Rear Defog Timer, TCCM Ignition, SIR Redundant Ignition, RKE Ignition
ENG IO2 Sensor Heat Dr, EGR, Cam Sensor, CANN, Purge
HTR A/CHeater-A/C Blower Motor, Temperature Door Motor, A/C Compressor Clutch, HI Blower Relay Coil, Timer Relay Coil
PWR AUXPower Auxiliary Outlets, ALDL
RR DEFOGRear Window Defogger
ECM BATTPCM/VCM Battery, ABS Batter) (LN2), Fuel Pump
ECM ICiNPCM/VCM Ignition, Injectors, Crank Sensor, Coil Driver Module
RADIORadio, inside Rearview Mirror Map Lamp, Overhead Console Reading Lamps, Rear Wiper, Rear Washer, Overhead Console Display
RDO BATTClock, Radio Battery, CD Player
ILLUMCluster Illumination, Ash Tray Lamp, Radio Illumination, Heater Lamp, Four- Wheel Drive Illumination, Chime Module, Fog Lamp Illumination, Rear Wiper Switch, Rear Defog Switch Illumination, Lift Glass Release Switch Illumination, Overhead Console Illumination
DRLDaytime Running Lamps
TURN-B/UTurn Signal and Back-up Lamps
WIPERWindshield Washer, Windshield Wiper Motor
BRAKEDR AC, Anti Lock Braking System, Cruise Control
4WDElectric Shift Transfer Case
CRANKCrank Signal
FOGFog Lamp Relay, Fog Lamps
AIR BAGAir Bag Module
TRANS4L60E Automatic Transmission


Instrument Panel
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Assignment of the fuses in the passenger compartment (1996)

ACircuit Breaker: Power Door Locks, Power Seat, Power Seat Lumbar, Remote Keyless Entry
BCircuit Breaker: Power Windows
1Stoplamps, Hazard Lamps, Chime, Center High-Mounted Stoplamp Relay, Center High-Mounted Stoplamp
2Dome Lamps, Cargo Lamps, Visor Vanity Mirror, Cigarette Lighter, Inside Rearview Mirror Lamp, Overhead Console Lamps, Glove Box Lamp, Horns, Horn Relay, IP Courtesy Lamps, Power Outside Rearv iew Mirror, Liftglass Release Motor, Illuminated Entry Module
3Parking Lamps, License Plate Lamps, Electric Shift Transfer Case Module, Underhood Lamp, Rear Wiper, Ashtray Lamp, Door Switch Lamp
4Alternator Field, A/C Compressor Relay, Cluster Chime Module, DRL Relay Coil, Four-Wheel-Drive Indicator Lamp, DRL Module, Rear Defog Timer, Transfer Case Control Module Ignition, SIR Redundant Ignition, RKE Ignition
5Oxygen Sensor Heater, Exhaust Gas Recirculation, Cam Sensor, CANN, Purge, MAS
6Blower Motor, Temperature Door Motor, HI Blower Relay Coil
7Power Auxiliary Outlets, Assembly Line Diagnostic Link
8Rear Window Defogger
9PCM/VCM Battery, ABS Battery
10PCM/VCM Ignition, Injectors, Crunk Sensor, Coil Driver Module
11Radio, Inside Rearv iew Mirror Map Lamp, Overhead Console Reading Lamps, Rear Wiper, Rear Washer, Overhead Console Display
12DRAC, Anti-Lock Braking System, VCM IGN-3
13Clock, Radio, Battery, CD Player
14A/C Compressor Battery Feed
15Daytime Running Lump, Fog Lamps, Fog Lump Relay
16Turn Signals and Back-Up Lamps, Brake-Transmission Shill Interlock Solenoid
17Windshield Washer, Windshield Wiper Motor
19Electric Shift Transfer Case
20Crank Signal, Air Bag System
21Cluster Illumination, Radio Illumination, Heater Lamp, Four-Wheel-Drive Illumination, Chime Module, Fog Lamp Illumination, Rear Wiper Switch, Rear Defog Switch Illumination, Liftglass Release Switch Illumination, Overhead Console Illumination
22Air Bag System
24PRNDL Power, 4L60E Automatic Transmission


Instrument Panel
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Assignment of the fuses in the passenger compartment (1997)

ACircuit Breaker: Power Door Locks, Power Seat, Power Seat Lumbar, Remote Keyless Entry
BCircuit Breaker: Power Windows, Sunroof Module/Molor
1Stoplamps, Hazard Lamps, Chime, Center High-Mounted Stoplamp Relay, Center High-Mounted Stoplamp
2Dome Lamps, Cargo Lamps, Visor Vanity Mirror, Cigarette Lighter, Inside Rearview Mirror Lamp, Overhead Console Lamps, Glove Box Lamp, Horns, Horn Relay, IP Courtesy Lamps, Power Outside Rearview Mirror, Liltglass Release Motor, Illuminated Entry Module
3Parking Lamps, License Plate Lamps, Electric Shift Transfer Case Module, Underhood Lamp, Rear Wiper, Fog Lamp Relay, Door Switch Lamp, Ashtray Lamp, Headlamp Switch
4A/C Compressor Relay, Cluster Chime Module, DRL Relay Coil, Four-Wheel-Drive Indicator Lamp, DRL Module, Rear Defog Timer, Transfer Case Control Module Ignition, SIR Redundant Ignition, RKE Ignition, Fuel Sender Module
5Oxygen Sensor Healer, Exhaust Gas Recirculation, Cam Sensor, CANN Purge, Canister Vent Solenoid Mass Airflow Sensor, Cam Shaft Sensor
6Blower Minor, Temperature Door Motor, HI Blower Relay Coil
7Power Auxiliary Outlets, Assembly Line Diagnostic Link
KRear Window Defogger
9PCM/VCM Battery, Fuel Pump
10PCM/VCM Ignition, Injectors, Crank Sensor, Coil Driver Module
11Radio, Inside Rearview Mirror Map Lamp, Overhead Console Reading Lamps, Rear Wiper, Rear Washer, Overhead Console Display
12Anti-Lock Braking System, VCM IGN-3
13Clock, Radio Battery, CD Player
14A/C Compressor Battery Feed
15Daytime Running Lamps, Fog Lamps Fog Lamp Relay
16Turn Signals and Back-Up Lamps, Brake-Transmission Shift Interlock Solenoid
17Windshield Washer, Windshield Wiper Motor
18Not Used
19Electric Shift Transfer Case
20Crank Relay, Air Bag Module
21Not Used
22Air Bag Module
23Cluster Illumination, Radio Illumination, Heater Lamp, 4WD Illumination, Chime Module, Fog Lamp Illumination, Rear Wiper Switch Illumination, Rear Detogger Switch Illumination, Liftglass Release Switch Illumination, Overhead Console Illumination
24PRNDL Power, 4L60E Automatic Transmission

1998, 1999, 2000 and 2001

Instrument Panel

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Assignment of the fuses in the passenger compartment (1998-2001)

ANot Used
BNot Used
11998: Headlamp Switch, Body Controls TBC, Headlamp Relay;
1999-2001: Not Used
2Cigarette Lighter, Data Link Connector
3Cruise Control Module and Switch, Body Control Module, Heated Seats
4Gages, Body Control Module, Instrument Panel Cluster
51998: Interior Illumination;
1999-2001: Parking Lamps, Power Window Switch, Body Control Module, Ashtray Lamp
61998: Not Used;
1999-2001: Steering Wheel Radio Controls
71998: Mirror, Locks;
1999-2001: Headlamps Switch, Body control Module, Headlamp Relay
8Courtesy Lamps, Battery Run-Down Protection
9HVAC Control Head (Manual)
10Turn Signal
11Cluster, Engine Control Module
121998: Parking Lamps, Power Window Switch, TBC, Ashtray Lamp;
1999-2001: Interior lights
13Auxiliary Power
14Power Locks Motor
154WD Switch, Engine Controls (VCM, PCM, Transmission)
16Supplemental Inflatable Restraint
17Front Wiper
181998: Not Used;
1999-2001: Steering Wheel Radio Controls
19Radio, Battery
201998: Not Used;
1999-2001: Amplifier
21HVAC (Manual), HVAC I (Automatic), HVAC Sensors (Automatic)
22Anti-Lock Brakes
23Rear Wiper
24Radio, Ignition
Engine Compartment
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Assignment of the fuses and relay in the engine compartment (1998-2001)

TRL TRNTrailer Left Turn
TRR TRNTrailer Right Turn
TRL B/UTrailer Back Up Lamps
VEH B/UVehicle Back Up Lamps
RT TURNRight Turn Signal Front
LT TURNLeft Turn Signal Front
HDLP W/WNot Used
LT TRNLeft Turn Signal Rear
RT TRNRight Turn Signal Rear
RR PRKRight Rear Parking Lamps
TRL PRKTrailer Park Lamps
LT HDLPLeft Headlamp
RT HDLPRight Headlamp
FR PRKFront Parking Lamps
INT BATI/P Fuse Block Feed
ENG IEngine Sensors/Solenoids, MAF, CAM, PURGE, VENT
ECM BEngine Control Module, Fuel Pump Module, Oil Pressure
ABSAnti-Lock Brake System
ECM IEngine Control Module Injectors
A/CAir Conditioning
W/W PMPNot Used
BTSIBrake-Transmission Shift Interlock
B/U LPBack Up Lamps
IGN BColumn Feed, IGN 2, 3, 4
RAPRetained Accessory Power
LD LEVNot Used
OXYSENOxygen Sensor
IGN EEngine
MIR/LKSMirrors, Door Locks
FOG LPFog Lamps
IGN AStarting and Charging IGN 1
STUD #2Accessory Feeds, Electric Brake
PARK LPParking Lamps
LR PRKLeft Rear Parking Lamps
IGN CStarter Solenoid, Fuel Pump, PRNDL
HTD SEATHeated Seat
TRCHMSLTrailer Center High Mount Stop Light
RR DFOGRear Defogger
TBCTruck Body Computer
CRANKClutch Switch, NSBU Switch
HAZ LPHazard Lamps
VECHMSLVehicle Center High-Mounted Stop Lamp
HTD MIRHeated Mirror
ATCTransfer Case (Four-Wheel Drive)
STOP LPStop Lamps
RR W/WRear Window Wiper