Ford E-Series / Econoline 1998-2001 Fuse Layout

ford e series econoline 1998 2001 fuse layout

This article covers the fourth generation Ford E-Series / Econoline (first refresh), produced from 1998 to 2001. Here you will find Ford E-Series 1998, 1999, 2000 and 2001 (E-150, E-250, E-350, E-450) fuse box diagrams, information on the location of the fuse boxes in the car and the assignment of each fuse (fuse layout) and relay.

The fuse for the cigar lighter (socket) on Ford E-series cars is fuse №23 in the instrument panel fuse box.

Passenger compartment fuse box

Fuse box location

It is located below and to the left of the steering wheel by the brake pedal.

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Fuse box diagram

ford e series econoline 1998 2001 fuse layout 2 2024 12 03 14 24 30

Assignment of the fuses in the Passenger compartment

Amp RatingDescription
120A1998-1999: RABS/4WABS Module
2000-2001: 4WABS Module
215A1998-2000: Brake Warning Diode/Resistor, Instrument Cluster, Warning Chime, 4WABS Relay, Warning Indicators
2001: Brake Warning Lamp, Instrument Cluster, Warning Chime, 4WABS Relay, Warning Indicators, Low Vacuum Warning Switch (Diesel Only)
315A1998-2000: Main Light Switch, RKE Module, Radio
2001: Main Light Switch, RKE Module, Radio, Instrument Illumination, E Traveler VCP and video screen
415APower Locks w/RKE, Illuminated Entry, Warning Chime, Modified Vehicle, Power Mirrors, Main Light Switch, Courtesy Lamps
520ARKE Module, Power Lock Switches, Memory Lock, Power Locks with RKE
610AShift Interlock, Speed Control, DRL Module
710AMulti-Function Switch, Turn Signals
830ARadio Capacitor(s), Ignition Coil, PCM Diode, PCM Power Relay, Fuel Heater (Diesel Only), Glow Plug Relay (Diesel Only)
930AWiper Control Module, Windshield Wiper Motor
1020A1998-2000: Main Light Switch, (External Lamps) Multi-Function Switch (Flash-to-pass)
2001: Main Light Switch, Park Lamps, License Lamp,(External Lamps) Multi-Function Switch (Flash-to-pass)
1115ABrake Pressure Switch, Multi-Function Switch (Hazards), RABS, Brake Pedal Position Switch
1215A1998-2000: Transmission Range (TR) Sensor, Auxiliary Battery Relay
2001: Transmission Range (TR) Sensor, Backup Lamps, Auxiliary Battery Relay
1315A1998-2000: Blend Door Actuator, Function Selector Switch
2001: Blend Door Actuator, A/C Heater, Function Selector Switch
145AInstrument Cluster (Air Bag and Charge Indicator)
155ATrailer Battery Charge Relay
1630APower Seats
17Not Used
18Not Used
1910AAir Bag Diagnostic Monitor
205AOverdrive Cancel Switch
2130APower Windows
2215A1998-2000: Memory Power Radio
2001: Memory Power Radio, E Traveler Radio
2320ACigar Lighter, Data Link Connector (DLC)
245A1998-1999: Illuminated Entry Module
2000-2001: Not Used
2510ALeft Headlamp (Low Beam)
2620A1998-2000: Not Used
2001: Rear Power Point
2825APower Plug
29Not Used
3015AHeadlamps (High Beam Indicator), DRL
3110ARight Headlamp (Low Beam), DRL
325A1998-1999: Not Used
2000-2001: Power Mirrors
3320A1998-2000: Not Used
2001: E Traveler Power Point #2
3410ATransmission Range (TR) Sensor
3530A1998-1999: Not Used
2000-2001: RKE Module
365A(Cluster, A/C, Illumination, Radio), Steering Column Assembly
3720A1998-2000: Not Used
2001: Power Plug
3810AAir Bag Diagnostic Monitor
3920A1998-2000: Not Used
2001: E Traveler Power Point #1
4030AModified Vehicle
4130AModified Vehicle
42Not Used
4320A C.B.Power Windows
44Not Used

Engine compartment fuse box

Fuse box location

The power distribution box is located in the engine compartment.

ford e series econoline 1998 2001 fuse layout 3 2024 12 03 14 24 42

Fuse box diagram

ford e series econoline 1998 2001 fuse layout 4 2024 12 03 14 24 56

Assignment of the fuses and relays in the Power distribution box

Amp RatingDescription
1Not Used
2Not Used
3Not Used
410A1998-2000: PCM Keep Alive Memory, Instrument Cluster
2001: PCM Keep Alive Memory, Instrument Cluster, Voltmeter
510ARight Trailer Turn Signal
610ALeft Trailer Turn Signal
7Not Used
860AI/P Fuses 5, 11, 23, 38, 4, 10, 16, 22, 28, 32 (2001)
930APCM Power Relay, Engine Compartment Fuse 4
1060AAuxiliary Battery Relay, Engine Compartment Fuses 14, 22
1130AIDM Relay
1260A1998-2000: Engine Compartment Fuses 26, 27
2001: Engine Compartment Fuses 25, 27
1350ABlower Motor Relay (Blower Motor)
1430ATrailer Running Lamps Relay, Trailer Backup Lamps Relay
1540A1998-2000: Main Light Switch
2001: Main Light Switch, Daytime Running Lights (DRL)
1650A1998-2000: RKE Module, Auxiliary Blower Motor Relay
2001: Auxiliary Blower Motor Relay
1730A1998-2000: Fuel Pump Relay, IDM (Diesel)
2001: Fuel Pump Relay
1860A1998-2000: I/P Fuses 40, 41
2001: I/P Fuses 40, 41,26, 33, 39
1960A4WABS Module
2020AElectric Brake Controller
2150AModified Vehicle Power
2240ATrailer Battery Charge Relay (Modified Vehicles Only)
2360AIgnition Switch
24Not Used
2520ANGV Module (Natural Gas Only)
2610A1998-2000: Generator/Voltage Regulator (Diesel Only)
2001: A/C Clutch (4.2L Only)
2715ADRL Module, Horn Relay
28PCM Diode
29Not Used
ANot Used
B1998-2000: Not Used
2001: Stop Lamp Relay
C1998-2000: Not Used
2001: Stop Lamp Relay
DTrailer Running Lamps Relay
ETrailer Battery Charge Relay
F1998-2000: IDM Relay
2001: IDM Relay (Diesel Only), A/C Clutch Relay (4.2L Only)
GPCM Relay
HBlower Motor Relay
JHorn Relay
K1998-2000: Fuel Pump Relay, IDM Relay (Diesel)
2001: Fuel Pump Relay