Ford E-350 / E-450 2021-2022 Fuse Layout

ford e 350 e 450 2021 2022 fuse layout

This article covers the fourth generation Ford E-Series (fourth refresh), available from 2021. Here you will find the Ford E-Series 2021 and 2022 (Econoline, E-350, E-450) fuse box diagrams, information on the location of the fuse boxes in the car and the assignment of each fuse (fuse layout).

Passenger Compartment Fuse Box

Fuse Box Location

The fuse panel is to the left-hand side of the brake pedal and mounted onto the lower left-hand cowl panel. Remove the fuse panel cover to access the fuses.

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Fuse Box Diagram

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Assignment of the fuses in the instrument panel (2021-2022)

RatingProtected Component
1Not used.
210 ALeft-hand front and right-hand front door lock switch (cutaway).
Inverter (cutaway).
Connector (stripped chassis).
37.5 APower mirror switch (cutaway).
Not used (stripped chassis).
420 A2021: Trailer brake control.
520 ANot used (spare).
610 ANot used (spare).
710 ANot used (spare).
810 ANot used (spare).
910 A / 5 ANot used (spare).
10Not used.
11Not used.
127.5 ASmart datalink connector.
Enterprise wired-in-device (2021).
137.5 ACluster.
Steering column control module.
1415 ANot used (spare).
1515 ANot used (spare).
16Not used.
177.5 ANot used.
187.5 A2021: Climate mode switch.
2022: R/S feed for Front blend actuator/climate mode switch (cutaway). R/S feed to strip chassis connector (stripped chassis).
195 ARadio transceiver module and telematics control unit.
205 AIgnition switch.
215 ANot used.
225 ABody builder B-pillar connector (cutaway).
Not used (stripped chassis).
2330 ANot used (spare).
2430 ANot used (spare).
2520 ANot used (spare).
2630 ANot used (spare).
2730 ANot used (spare).
2830 ANot used (spare).
2915 AUpfitter interface module (cutaway).
Not used (stripped chassis).
305 ANot used (spare).
3110 ASmart datalink connector.
3220 ARadio.
33Not used.
3430 ANot used (spare).
355 ATow haul switch.
3615 ARearview mirror (cutaway).
Rearview camera (cutaway) (2021).
Camera lane departure (cutaway) (2022).
Not used (stripped chassis).
3720 ANot used (spare).
3830 ARear window switches and motors (cutaway).
Not used (stripped chassis).

Engine Compartment Fuse Box

Fuse Box Location

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Fuse Box Diagram

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Assignment of the fuses in the engine compartment (2021-2022)

RatingProtected Component
120 AHorn.
250 ABlower motor.
3Not used.
430 AStarter relay.
520 ANot used (spare).
620 AUpfitter relay 4 (cutaway).
Not used (spare) (stripped chassis).
8Not used.
10Not used.
1220 APower point 4.
1310 AYaw sensor (stripped chassis).
Not used (spare) (cutaway).
1410 AForward looking radar (cutaway).
Not used (spare) (stripped chassis).
15Not used.
16Not used.
1710 APowertrain control module run/start feed.
1810 AAnti-lock brake system run/start feed.
19Not used.
2030 AWiper power.
21Not used.
2210 AWiper module (stripped chassis).
Not used (spare) (cutaway).
23Not used.
2440 ABody control module – run power in feed 2.
2550 ABody control module – run power in feed 1.
26Not used.
2720 ABody builder frame connector.
28Not used.
2910 AB+ power 12 V(special order vehicle).
3030 APower driver seat (cutaway).
Not used (spare) (stripped chassis).
31Not used.
3220 AVehicle power 1.
3320 AVehicle power 2.
3410 AVehicle power 3.
3520 AVehicle power 4.
36Not used.
37Not used.
3810 AWasher relay (stripped chassis).
Not used (spare) (cutaway).
39Not used.
4130 ATrailer brake control connector.
4330 AInstrument panel connector (stripped chassis).
Not used (spare) (cutaway).
45Not used.
4610 AA/C clutch.
4740 AUpfitter relay 1 (cutaway).
Not used (spare) (stripped chassis).
48Not used.
4930 APump electronics module.
5015 AInjectors.
5120 APower point 1.
5250 AAux AC Prep on B-pillar vehicle connector (cutaway).
Not used (spare) (stripped chassis).
Power at all times (PAAT)
5330 ATrailer tow park lamps.
5440 AUpfitter 2 relay (cutaway).
Not used (spare) (stripped chassis).
R/S feed on instrument panel connector (2022).
5520 AUpfitter 3 relay (cutaway).
Not used (spare) (stripped chassis).
5620 APower point 2 prep B-pillar connector.
585 AUSB smart charger.
5910 APark lamps 1 (special order vehicle).
60Not used.
61Not used.
62Not used.
63Not used.
64Not used.
65Not used.
66Not used.
67Not used.
69Not used.
7040 AInverter.
7130 AAnti-lock brake system valves.
7210 ABrake on and off switch.
73Not used.
74Not used.
75Not used.
7660 AAnti-lock brake system pump.
7730 AVoltage quality module power – body control module.
7810 ATrailer tow stop lamps.
79Not used.
8010 ATrailer tow backup lamps.
81Not used.
825 ARun/start fuse – upfitter relays (cutaway) (2021).
B+ fuse – upfitter relay (2021).
Upfitter switch (factory location for ignition power) (2022)
835 A2022: Upfitter switch (optional location for power at all times).
84Not used.
85Not used.
86Not used.
87Not used.
88Not used.
89Not used.
9140 AHot at all times (HAAT) / B+PWR on B-Pillar connector (cutaway).
Battery Power on instrument panel connector (stripped chassis).
9310 APark lamps 3 (special order vehicle).
9410 APark lamps 2 (special order vehicle).
9520 AStop lamp relay.
96Not used.
9750 AEngine.
B-pillar vehicle connector.
Instrument panel.
9830 ATrailer tow battery charge.
9940 A2021: Instrument panel connector.
2022: Upfitter 2 relay (cutaway) / Not used (spare) (stripped chassis).
100Not used.
101Not used.
102Not used.
103Not used.
104Not used.
10515 ATrailer tow right-hand and left-hand stop and direction indicator relay power.
R02Powertrain control module.
Power relay.
R05Not used.