List of malfunctions and fault codes for Mitsubishi forklift trucks

The published Error Codes list is intended to provide information and guidance to maintenance personnel responsible for the Mitsubishi Forklifts 6M60-TL series diesel engine. It contains detailed procedures for adjustment and maintenance services.

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The list of fault codes contains GSE-codes, Flashes Codes and P-codes and it describes.

E-0124Accel Pedal Sensor 1P0122
E-0124Accel Pedal Sensor 1P0123
E-0216Accel Pedal Sensor 2P0222
E-0216Accel Pedal Sensor 2P0223
E-0365Accel SWP0510
E-0412Camshaft Position SNSRP0340
E-0523Common Rail Pressure DefectP0254
E-0523Common Rail Pressure M/V 1P0255
E-0523Common Rail Pressure M/V 1P0256
E-0523Common Rail Pressure M/V 1P0257
E-0636Common Rail Pressure DefectP0251
E-0636Common Rail Pressure DefectP0252
E-0711CRS Pressure SNSR (Plausibility)P0191
E-0711CRS Pressure SNSR (Low)P0192
E-0711CRS Pressure SNSR (High)P0193
E-0858Accel Pedal Check (Plausibility)P0121
E-0937Injector M/V-Cylinder1 (Load)P0201
E-1038Injector M/V-Cylinder2 (Load)P0202
E-1139Injector M/V-Cylinder3 (Load)P0203
E-1208Injector M/V-Cylinder4 (Load)P0204
E-1346Injector M/V-Cylinder5 (Load)P0205
E-1447Injector M/V-Cylinder6 (Load)P0206
E-1571Flow Limiter -Cylinder1P1240
E-1672Flow Limiter -Cylinder2P1241
E-1773Flow Limiter -Cylinder3P1242
E-1874Flow Limiter -Cylinder4P1243
E-1975Flow Limiter -Cylinder5P1244
E-2076Flow Limiter -Cylinder6P1245
E-2415Engine Revolution SNSRP0335
E-2507Engine OverrunningP0219
E-2632Boost Press SNSR (Low)P0237
E-2632Boost Press SNSR (High)P0238
E-2822Common Rail Pressure DefectP0253
E-2919Atmospheric Pressure SensorP0107
E-2919Atmospheric Pressure SensorP0108
E-30CAN CommunicationP0600
E-3221Water Temp SNSR (Low)P0117
E-3221Water Temp SNSR (High)P0118
E-3333ECU Hardware (ROM)P0605
E-3333ECU System (EEPROM)P1605
E-3482Injector Circuit 1P0200
E-3482Injector Circuit 2P1200
E-3482Injector Circuit 3P1210
E-3541Fuel Temp. Sensor (inlet) LowP0182
E-3541Fuel Temp. Sensor (inlet) HighP0183
E-3656Fuel Temp. Sensor (outlet)P0187
E-3656Fuel Temp. Sensor (outlet)P0188
E-3744INT Air Temp. SNSR (Low)P0112
E-3744INT Air Temp. SNSR (High)P0113
E-3934Q Adjustment Resistor (Low)P1171
E-3934Q Adjustment Resistor (High)P1172
E-4125Vehicle Speed SensorP0500
E-4263CRS Press M/V 1 (Low)P1255
E-4263CRS Press M/V 1 (High)P1256
E-4263Common Rail Pressure M/V 1P1257
E-4367EGR 1P1267
E-4367EGR 1P1268
E-4468EGR 2P1272
E-4468EGR 2P1273
E-4569EGR 3P1277
E-4569EGR 3P1278
E-4826Relay for Glow RelayP0380
E-4948Starter Safety Relay (Low)P0616
E-4948Starter Safety Relay (High)P0617