John Deere DTCs The Engine Control Unit’s (ECU) Trouble Code List

The list of diagnostic trouble codes provided is not exhaustive, but it includes the codes that may occur during tractor operation and the corresponding solutions that can be implemented by the operator. In many cases these codes can be cleared by turning the ignition key off and on, or by following the instructions on the CommandCenter™ page before repeating the ignition procedure.

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If the problem persists or if there is any uncertainty, it is recommended to contact your authorised John Deere™ dealer.

Troubleshooting CodeSystemSolution
ECU 000051.14Motor systemFailure of the EGR system. Engine power is limited.
ECU 000094.17Motor systemThe fuel pressure is low. Check the fuel supply and filters.
ECU 000094.18Motor systemThe fuel pressure is low. Engine power is limited. Check the fuel supply and filters.
ECU 000097.16Motor systemSeparator is full. Engine power is limited. Merge separator.
ECU 000100.01Motor systemOil pressure is low. Engine power is limited. Check the oil level in the engine.
ECU 000100.18Motor systemOil pressure is low. Engine power is limited. Check the oil level in the engine.
ECU 000101.00Motor systemThe pressure in the crankcase is high. Engine power is limited. Check the gas breakout filter.
ECU 000101.16Motor systemThe pressure in the crankcase is high. Check the gas breakout filter.
ECU 000103.00Motor systemTurbocharger speed is high. Engine power is limited. Reduce the load and speed of the engine.
ECU 000105.00Motor systemThe air temperature in the inlet manifold is high. Engine power is limited. Reduce the load and speed of the engine. Check the cooling system for no contamination.
ECU 000105.15Motor systemThe air temperature in the inlet manifold is high. Reduce the load and speed of the engine. Check the cooling system for no contamination.
ECU 000105.16Motor systemThe air temperature in the inlet manifold is high. Engine power is limited. Reduce the load and speed of the engine. Check the cooling system for no contamination.
ECU 000107.00Motor systemClogged engine air filter. Engine power is limited. Clean or replace the air filter.
ECU 000107.15Motor systemClogged engine air filter. Clean or replace the air filter.
ECU 000107.16Motor systemClogged engine air filter. Engine power is limited. Clean or replace the air filter.
ECU 000109.01Motor systemThe coolant pressure is low. Engine power is limited.
ECU 000109.17Motor systemThe coolant pressure is low. Check the sealed lid and the sealing in the cooling system.
ECU 000109.18Motor systemThe coolant pressure is low. Engine power is limited. Check the sealed lid and the sealing in the cooling system.
ECU 000109.31Motor systemThe coolant pressure is low. Check the sealed lid and the sealing in the cooling system.
ECU 000110.00Motor systemThe engine coolant temperature is high. Engine power is limited. Reduce the load and speed of the engine. Check the cooling system for no contamination.
ECU 000110.15Motor systemThe engine coolant temperature is high. Reduce the load and speed of the engine. Check the cooling system for no contamination.
ECU 000110.16Motor systemThe engine coolant temperature is high. Engine power is limited. Reduce the load and speed of the engine. Check the cooling system for no contamination.
ECU 000110.17Motor systemThe engine coolant temperature is low. Check the cooling system.
ECU 000111.01Motor systemThe coolant level is low. Engine power is limited. Fill the coolant and inspect for leakage.
ECU 000111.07Motor systemMalfunction of the cooling fluid level circuit. The coolant level monitor does not work. Check the coolant level.
ECU 000111.17Motor systemThe coolant level is below the service switch. Pour the coolant.
ECU 000111.18Motor systemThe coolant level is low. Fill the coolant and inspect for leakage.
ECU 000157.17Motor systemThe pressure in the fuel line is low at startup. Check the filters and fuel level.
ECU 000168.01Electrical systemThe battery voltage is low.
ECU 000174.00Motor systemThe fuel temperature is high. Engine power is limited. Check the cooling system for no contamination.
ECU 000174.16Motor systemThe fuel temperature is high. Check the cooling system for no contamination.
ECU 000190.00Motor systemThe engine speed is high. Reduce engine speed.
ECU 000412.00Motor systemThe EGR temperature is high. Engine power is limited. Reduce the load and speed of the engine. Check the cooling system for no contamination.
ECU 000412.15Motor systemThe EGR temperature is high. Engine power is limited. Reduce the load and speed of the engine. Check the cooling system for no contamination.
ECU 000412.16Motor systemThe EGR temperature is high. Engine power is limited. Reduce the load and speed of the engine. Check the cooling system for no contamination.
ECU 000641.16Motor systemThe drive temperature is turbocharger high. Reduce the load and speed of the engine.
ECU 000651.02Motor systemFuel Nozzle Error No. 1. Engine speed is limited.
ECU 000651.13Motor systemFuel Nozzle Calibration Error No. 1. Engine speed is limited.
ECU 000652.02Motor systemFuel Nozzle Error No. 2. Engine speed is limited.
ECU 000652.13Motor systemFuel Nozzle Calibration Error No. 2. Engine speed is limited.
ECU 000653.02Motor systemFuel Nozzle Error No. 3. Engine speed is limited.
ECU 000653.13Motor systemFuel Nozzle Calibration Error No. 3. Engine speed is limited.
ECU 000654.02Motor systemFuel Nozzle Error No. 4. Engine speed is limited.
ECU 000654.13Motor systemFuel Nozzle Calibration Error No. 4. Engine speed is limited.
ECU 000655.02Motor systemFuel Nozzle Error No. 5. Engine speed is limited.
ECU 000655.13Motor systemFuel Nozzle Calibration Error No. 5. Engine speed is limited.
ECU 000656.02Motor systemFuel Nozzle Error No. 6. Engine speed is limited.
ECU 000656.13Motor systemFuel Nozzle Calibration Error No. 6. Engine speed is limited.
ECU 000970.31Immobilizer SystemKey or control block authentication failed. Engine control Unit has issued a command to switch off the engine. Check if the machine has the correct key. Restart the engine to try to repair the machine.
ECU 001075.02Motor systemFailure of the electric fuel pump. The fuel system does not work.
ECU 001075.04Motor systemMalfunction of the circuit of the electric fuel pump. The fuel system does not work.
ECU 001075.06Motor systemMalfunction of the circuit of the electric fuel pump. The fuel system does not work.
ECU 001075.09Motor systemFailure of the electric fuel pump. The fuel system does not work.
ECU 001110.31Motor systemStop to protect the engine.
ECU 001136.00Motor systemThe internal temperature of the engine control unit is high. The speed of the engine is limited.
ECU 001180.00Motor systemThe exhaust gas temperature is high. Engine power is limited. Reduce the load and speed of the engine. Check the cooling system for no contamination.
ECU 001180.16Motor systemThe exhaust gas temperature is high. Engine power is limited. Reduce the load and speed of the engine. Check the cooling system for no contamination.
ECU 001639.01Motor systemEngine fan speed is low. Check the fan drive system.
ECU 002630.00Motor systemThe temperature of the forced air cooler is high. Engine power is limited. Reduce the load and speed of the engine. Check the cooling system for no contamination.
ECU 002630.15Motor systemThe forced air cooler outlet temperature is high. Check the cooling system for no contamination.
ECU 002630.16Motor systemThe forced air cooler outlet temperature is high. Engine power is limited. Reduce the load and speed of the engine. Check the cooling system for no contamination.
ECU 002790.16Motor systemThe turbocharger outlet temperature is high. Engine power is limited. Reduce the load and speed of the engine.
ECU 003246.00Exhaust Gas Filtration SystemThe temperature on the exhaust filter release is high. Engine power is limited.
ECU 003480.01Exhaust Gas Filtration SystemError fuel metering inlet pressure. Active cleaning of the exhaust filter is not available.
ECU 003480.03Exhaust Gas Filtration SystemMalfunction of the circuit of the fuel metering pressure sensor. Active cleaning of the exhaust filter is not available.
ECU 003480.04Exhaust Gas Filtration SystemMalfunction of the circuit of the fuel metering pressure sensor. Active cleaning of the exhaust filter is not available.
ECU 003482.16Exhaust Gas Filtration SystemMalfunction of the fuel metering shut valve. Active cleaning of the exhaust filter is not available.
ECU 003711.14Exhaust Gas Filtration SystemThe temperature at the inlet of the exhaust gas filter is not reached. Active cleaning of the exhaust filter is not available.
ECU 003711.31Exhaust Gas Filtration SystemThe temperature at the inlet of the exhaust gas filter is not reached. Active cleaning of the exhaust filter is not available.
ECU 003719.00Exhaust Gas Filtration SystemExhaust gas filter clogged. Engine power is limited.
ECU 003719.13Exhaust Gas Filtration SystemThe exhaust gas filtration system requires maintenance.
ECU 003719.14Exhaust Gas Filtration SystemExhaust gas filter clogged. Engine power is limited. Initiate service cleanup.
ECU 003719.16Exhaust Gas Filtration SystemExhaust gas filter clogged. Engine power is limited. Start cleaning the filter in the parked state on the engine settings page according to the driver manual.
ECU 003720.15Exhaust Gas Filtration SystemThe ash content in the exhaust gas filter is high. Filter maintenance.
ECU 003720.16Exhaust Gas Filtration SystemThe ash content in the exhaust gas filter is high. Filter maintenance.
ECU 003936.00Exhaust Gas Filtration SystemUnexpected temperature in the exhaust gas filter. Engine power is limited.
ECU 004766.16Exhaust Gas Filtration SystemThe temperature of the exhaust gas filter is higher than expected. Active cleaning of the exhaust filter is not available.
ECU 004766.17Exhaust Gas Filtration SystemSystem cleanup error. Cannot continue cleanup.
ECU 004766.18Exhaust Gas Filtration SystemSystem cleanup error. Cannot continue cleanup.
ECU 004795.31Exhaust Gas Filtration SystemThe exhaust filter is missing or severely damaged. Engine power is limited.
ECU 005018.00Exhaust Gas Filtration SystemUnexpected temperature in the exhaust gas filter. Engine power is limited.