Claas Jaguar malfunction code list

claas jaguar malfunction code list

Table of CIS System Fault Codes

CodeModuleFaultWorking StateEliminating
And-1Device CABThe oil pressure in the engine is too low
E-2Device CABThe oil level in the engine is too low
E-3Device CABWater Pump DefectiveThe charging control lights up and does not charge.Check the drive of the water pump and the generator. Check the charging control on the generator (61).
E-4Device CABCooling water temperature too high
E-5Device CABThe hydraulic temperature of the chassis is too high
E-6Device CABTightened Manual Brake
E-8Electro-hydraulic drive of chassis EFAErroneous power supply voltage of the potentiometer
E-11Device CABThe hydraulic pressure of the chassis or the oil level is too low
E-12Device CABTemperature Charge Air too high
E-13ESRMetal Detector Defective
E-14ESRMetal Detector, Interrupt
E-15Device CABReserve CAB
E-16ESRStill Connected Adapter box SFM Note SFM = self-propelled mower)If necessary, check the configuration (SFH Or SFM).
CodeModuleFaultWorking StateEliminating
E-17ESRThe sensor of the speed of the feeding device is defectiveCheck the plug connection on the sensor and cable connections.
E-18ESRThe sensor of the speed of the feeding device is defectiveCheck the plug connection on the sensor and cable connections.
E-19Device CABThe hydraulic motor of the chassis drive does not match the configuration of the
E-20Electrohydraulic drive of chassis EFANew module EFA = > It is necessary to study the potentiometer of the movement leverThis message appears after you install a new module EFA When the ignition is turned on. After examining the potentiometers of the movement lever and hydraulic flows, this message no longer appears.1.  Study Spinner Lever Movement 2.  Study of Hydraulic flows Through the system CDSThe hydraulic oil must Have a working temperature.Pressure sensor voltage values must be < 1.2 v.
E-25ESRMalfunction on the flow of the hydraulic pump of the feeding device
E-27Electrohydraulic drive of chassis EFAValve exit defect PWM Trailer Brakes
E-30ESRThe quick stop valve is constantly energized
E-32Device CABModule CAN-Bridge DefectiveCheck the power supply of the module. Check the landing strength and pin pins.
CodeModuleFaultWorking StateEliminating
E-33ESRModule ESR DefectiveCheck Power supply Module. Check the landing strength and pin pins.
E-34Autopath CacModule Contour System DefectiveCheck Power supply Module. Check the landing strength and pin pins.
E-36GGSDefect Module GGSCheck Power supply Module. Check the landing strength and pin pins.
E-37Electro-hydraulic drive of chassis EFAModule EFA DefectiveEmergency STOP: This indicates a defect in the module’s power output during operation.should be disconnected.Driving is no longer possible.Turn off the machine and run again, if the malfunction no longer appears, the module is still in order, в Otherwise replace the module.
E-38KSRModule Management Damper Defective
E-39ATPReserve, Autopilot
E-40Electro-hydraulic drive of chassis EFADefective Valve HydraulicEmergency mode: The machine moves only the rear Progress With Speed Ok. 2 km/hour on the 2nd gear and 1 km/h on the 1st transfer.When the short-circuit is identified, the valve is stopped and the movement is no longer possible.Flap That’s impossible Manage: Check the cable connection to the valve. Check the module output.Measure coil resistance, range of values: 6-12 OhmCheck the plug connection on the valve.
CodeModuleFaultWorking StateEliminating
E-41Electro-hydraulic drive of chassis EFAMalfunctioning solenoid valve of hydraulic motorLimited Operation: Movement toMax. 7 km/hour on the 1st transfer,Approx. 12 km/h on 2nd gearFlap That’s impossible Manage: Check the cable connection of the module To Short circuit or breakage. Check Output Module.
Measure coil resistance, range of values: 6-12 Ohm
Check the plug connection on the valve.
E-42Electrohydraulic drive of chassis EFA3-nd magnet of the electromagnetic valve is defectiveEmergency STOP: The machine moves by inertia to the stop, further movement is not possible.Flap That’s impossible Manage: Check the cable connection of the module To Short circuit or breakage. Check Output Module.
Measure coil resistance, range of values: 6-12 Ohm
Check the plug connection on the valve.
CodeModuleFaultWorking StateEliminating
E-43Electro-hydraulic drive of chassis EFADefect of the electromagnetic valve of the hydraulic pump for the movement backEmergency mode: The machine moves only forward at a speed Ok. 2 km/hour on the 2nd gear and 1 km/hour on the 1st transferWhen the short-circuit is identified, the valve has an emergency stop, the movement of moreThat’s impossible.Flap That’s impossible Manage: Check the cable connection of the module To Short circuit or breakage. Check Output Module.
Measure coil resistance, range of values: 6-12 Ohm
Check the plug connection on the valve.
E-44Device CABThe engine’s communications system is out of orderMissing bus CAN To Module ADM. Module It’s working Incorrectly.Check the power supply of the modules. Check the cable trunk to the modules (conclusions).
E-45GGSGrinding Stone not in the original position
E-46Electro-hydraulic drive of chassis EFADefective Potentiometer Lever MovementEmergency mode: The machine moves at a speed of 1 km/hour only in the direction of forward.(Movement direction recognition by means of neutral position switch and reversing switch)The potentiometer of the movement lever is made in the form of a double potentiometer. The fault signal is issued in the following cases: Incorrect polarity of the potentiometers of movement, breakage of a cable set, defective contact strip of a potentiometer.
Check the voltage of the potentiometer of movement, check the plug connection on the potentiometer.
CodeModuleFaultWorking StateEliminating
E-46Check the cable set of the module to the potentiometer on the breakage or short circuit. The potentiometer of Motion 2 produces the opposite signal, the sum of which with the signal of the potentiometer of motion 1 should always have constant value.If the total signal does not lie within the range of 7.3-7.5 B, the potentiometer of the movement lever is defective.Example:Signal 1 = 4.0 inSignal 2 = 3.4 in = >Amount: 4.0 + 3.4 = 7.4in = > potentiometer is OK.Signal 2 = 1.0 in = >Amount: 4.0 + 1.0 = 5.0in = > Potentiometer defectiveMeasure Potentiometer.
CodeModuleFaultWorking StateEliminating
E-47Electro-hydraulic drive of running Part EFALever potentiometer tolerance exceededUnusual behavior when driving. The final speed is not reached.The potentiometer of the movement lever is made in the form of double Spinner:
Despite the return of the lever of movement back speed reduction is not performed at first (Slow Reaction).Valid Values Spinner Movement 1:
Speedstar Fur: Only code delivery, Behavior Movement NotChanges.Neutral Position: 3.8- 4.2 InForward: 6.9-7.3 in
Back: 0.8-1.2 in
If there is an excess of values forward or backward on the mechanical end positions of the movement lever, it is necessary to align the control system of the movement lever potentiometer.
The potentiometer of Motion 2 produces the opposite signal, the sum of which with the signal of the potentiometer of motion 1 should always have constant value.
If the total signal does not lie within the specified range, the potentiometer of the movement lever is defective.
Speedstar Fur: Check the angle sensor and the traction system, BT 31A POS 50, 10, 47
CodeModuleFaultWorking StateEliminating
E-48ESRMetal In the Flow DeviceThe feeding device stands, the metal detector has worked.Remove the metal. is not a malfunction in the sense of the word.
E-49ESRStop slipping clutch of Coupling ConsolesConsole Disables.Message without Overload: Check the cable set to the console and from it.Check the speed sensor of the console.
E-50ESRAdapter box not recognized SFMModule ESR Recognize speed sensors Disk 8500, but there are no 5 in the adapter box.Plug Connection: Check the 13-pole plug on the driver’s site (corrosion).Breakage or short-circuit of the signal wire to the module ESR.
E-51Device CABThe cooling water level is too lowRefuel Cooling Water. The cable kit or plug causes a short circuit to be Mass.
E-52ESRNo speed recognition of the feeding deviceA fault message can be issued with multiple reversal without cause. When feeding, the feeder is disconnected after the fault message is issued.Check the plug connection on the speed sensor. Check the 13-pole plug on the driver’s site (corrosion).Breakage or short-circuit of the signal wire to the module ESR.When installing the console Kemper Module must be installed ESR 014 213.4 (500Ms.).
CodeModuleFaultWorking StateEliminating
E-53ESRShort Circuit of the external key switch reversingWhen the main drive is switched on, the machine reverses simultaneously.Check the reversal key switch on the drawer near the wheel (short circuit).
Check the key switch in the Multifunkcionaln Handle (short circuit).
CodeModuleFaultWorking StateEliminating
E-54Electro-hydraulic drive of chassis EFAInterruption of study due to exceeding the time limit or incorrect starting conditionNormal operation: The error signal is given only when examining the potentiometer of the movement lever.1st opportunity: When starting the study there were incorrect conditions:
The movement lever is not in a neutral position.
The lever of motion in the study was initially given back.
The potentiometer of movement at the start of the study is outside the tolerance zone.
2nd Possibility:
During 15 seconds do not recognized the change of the signal of the potentiometer of motion, this study is interrupted.
At the same time the code e-180 is issued, because acceptable values of the potentiometer are not achieved.
If there are no errors concerning the driving drive before memorizing the signal, you can continue to operate the machine on the previous parameter values.
But if the study was conducted on the basis of the surfaced previously reported failure, then the study should be repeated until it is successfully completed, otherwise the machine can only work in emergency mode.
CodeModuleFaultWorking StateEliminating
E-55Device CABThere is no signal of traffic switch on roads
E-56ESRThe speed sensor of the left Mowing The machine reports a stop
E-57ESRMedium speed Sensor Mowing The machine reports a stop
E-58ESRThe speed sensor of the right Mowing The machine reports a stop
E-59ESRSwitch Reducer Not SwitchesCheck the switch on the reversing gearbox.
E-60Device CABSwitch Transfer Not Was
E-63CISFailure Module ESR
E-64CISFailure Module Cac
E-65CISFailure Module FemModule for 8700 is similar to the module ESR.Again Configure Car. Remove the yield measuring device.
E-66CISFailure Module GGS
E-68CISFailure Module KSR
E-69CISFailure Module ATP
E-70Device CABMaintenance interval is over 10 hours
E-71Device CABMaintenance interval is over 50 hours
E-72Device CABMaintenance interval is over 100 hours
E-73Device CABMaintenance interval is over 500 hours
E-74ESRDefect of the speed sensor of the console
CodeModuleFaultWorking StateEliminating
E-75JelektrogidRavlicheskij Drive of the chassis EFABrake pressure relay maintenance period exceededNormal operation: The driver gets the requirement to use the work force within 20 hoursBrake.After the machine is restarted, the braking pressure relay must be checked.
If it does not pay attention to the fault message, the switch to emergency mode is made.To do this, move the lever slightly out of the neutral position. To do this, press the brake pedal with force when the diesel engine is running until a 3-fold beep is issued, indicating a successful test.
If the scan is finished without success, the Lever Movement is switched to the emergency Mode.
Then run the validation again.
If during the interval the brake pedal is pressed with such force that the test criteria are met, the interval automatically rises to 20 hours.
CodeModuleFaultWorking StateEliminating
E-76Electro-hydraulic drive of chassis EFAThe study of the flow of hydraulic motors failedThrough the system CDS The hydraulic flow is re-examined. This is necessary, for example, when replacing a module EFA or hydraulic unit, at strong fluctuations of the final speed 38-42 km/h) or if the final speed is not reached (for example, Max. 35 km/hour by car at speed of 40 km/h).The machine is in normal mode.In case of unsuccessful study the first completely Turn off the machine and then run the diesel engine again. Be sure to follow the system CDS.Do the study again.If the malfunction remains or signaled other malfunctions, first process them.
The following currents should be considered in the study:
Studied Currents, 1280 ma indicate malfunction of the hydraulic unit turning system.
With the same hydraulic units (no replacement of the hydraulic unit) The current difference > 50 ma between the old and new current value indicates a malfunction of the corresponding block.
The hydraulic oil must have a working temperature.
CodeModuleFaultWorking StateEliminating
E-77Electro-hydraulic drive of chassis EFAThe range of the neutral position of the movement lever switch is exceededEmergency mode: The machine moves at a speed of 1 km/hour only in the direction of forward.(Movement direction recognition by means of neutral position switch and reversing switch)The voltage value of the potentiometer of movement to the moment of switching of the neutral position switch differs from the value of the voltage stored at the last process of studying the potentiometer of motion.
It is possible that there have been changes in the traction potentiometer system of the chassis.
This malfunction can be eliminated by examining the potentiometer of the movement.
Check the traction system of the movement lever potentiometer and the behavior of the neutral position switch.
E-78ESRWorked Coupling WalterscheidCoupling Worked Due Overload.Check the latch, distance, spring, etc.
E-80GGSReserve GGS
E-81Electro-hydraulic drive of chassis EFA WayPart EFAModule EFA does not recognize engine speedThe diesel engine switches to the emergency Mode,> 800 rpm.Check speed sensor DC On the jaw shaft and on the engine exit.
E-82Device CABThe distance between the longer rolls does not change
E-83GGSNo friction resistance (gearbox malfunction or Spindle
CodeModuleFaultWorking StateEliminating
E-84Device CABPotentiometer of the movement lever outside the permitted tolerance
E-88Device CABDefect of inductive motion speed sensor
E-89ATPSensor Rotation Defective
E-95Device CABSwitch Not It’s possible
E-96Device CABFilling Fuel Grandma < 10 %Fill
E-98Device CABChuck Air Filter Scored
E-99Device CABReduced engine speed is activated
E-100Device CABNo movement lever potentiometer signal
E-101DeviceMinimumCode ExtinguishedTo
CABVoltage Battery < 10Example, After
ВLifting Speed
Rotation (Like
Control Charging).
E-102Device CABOverexertion Battery > 16 inThe cable connection on the generator has weakened.
Gradual deterioration, fault reports become more frequent.
Check Disconnect Battery.
Battery Or Cell Defective.
E-103Electro-hydraulic drive of chassis EFANot Included Transfer
E-104Electro-hydraulic drive of chassis EFA WayPart EFAPosition Cabin Not Acceptable
CodeModuleFaultWorking StateEliminating
E-105ATPLaser Scanner Defective
E-106Autopath CacThe pressure sensor of the contour system is defective
E-107Autopath CacSensor Pressure Accumulator Defective
E-108Autopath CacCopier Right Faulty
E-109Autopath CacCopier Left Faulty
E-110Autopath CacPotentiometer Height Consoles Faulty
E-111ATPWheel angle Sensor defective
E-112ATPCarbon copy System Right Faulty
E-113ATPCarbon copy System Left Faulty
E-114KSRpotentiometer height of unloading pipe faulty
E-115KSRPotentiometer Damper Faulty
E-117KSRLaser Sensor Faulty
E-118Device CABDrive on all wheels, despite riding on Road, 20 km/h, still active
E-119KSRPotentiometer position of unloading pipe faulty
E-123GGSToo loud knock on The Cutting Plate
E-124GGSThe wrong state of the main drive, the speed of engine rotation is not in order
E-126Autopath CacMissing Reaction Hydraulics
E-130ATPReserve, Autopilot
E-131ATPReserve, Autopilot
CodeModuleFaultWorking StateEliminating
E-132GGSNo pulses from the engine on the right
E-133GGSThere are no pulses from the engine on the left
E-134GGSThe mass line is defective to the knock sensor (left or right)
E-149Device CABAir conditioning Defective
E-150GGSNo impact on the final switch of the grinding stone
E-151ESRThe end switch of the reverse is still active
E-153ESRThe speed of the hydraulic engine of the feeding device has been exceeded
E-154ESRMetal detector Not Erased
E-155ATPSwitch Seat Not Closed
E-155ESRSwitch Seat Not Closed
E-156ESRTo turn off the feeding device with the seat switch
E-157ESRDisabling the feeder due to overheating or short-circuiting of the unit
CodeModuleFaultWorking StateEliminating
E-161Electro-hydraulic drive of chassis EFAThere is no signal of the neutral position of the movement leverEmergency mode: The fault message is issued if the machine is immediately launched on the module EFA There is no 12-in signal from the neutral position of the movement lever.For this purpose the movement lever should be in a neutral position (otherwise it is impossible to start the machine due to blocking of start).The machine can be moved only by reversing at a speed of 2 km/h. Code indication E 161 stopsAbout Through 2 – 3Seconds.Check the cable connection of the module with the plug of the neutral position of the movement lever on the breakage. Check the signal of the neutral position switch (Micro directly on the potentiometer).Check the position of the control roller relative to the segment (center of Cut).The deformation of the reed is possible. Neutral Position = 3.9-4.0 in on the display.The preferred position of the movement lever, attributed to 3.90 B, is the rear turn in the neutral backstage.
E-162KDSNo signal flow meter, water tank is empty
E-162KDSTank Wolf Empty
E-163KDSError Dosage Wolf
E-164GGSSpecify: Sure Adjust GGS !
E-166GGSKnock Not Stop
E-167ESRDisabling the feeder due to overheating or increased current of the unit ESR
CodeModuleFaultWorking StateEliminating
E-168Device CABWrong signal of traffic switch on roadsThe machine moves only at a speed of 7 km/h. Device CAB does not recognize the 2nd gear.Check the motion switch by Roads /cable connections, they are possible Changed.
E-170KSRThe unloading Pipe Not TurnsThe potentiometer is not controlled. The auger jumps, the pre-tension of the spring is too small, the wear of the toothed segment, there are no teeth, power supply of the electromagnetic valve, no pressure rises.
E-171KSRThe difference of end stops of the unloading pipe position is too small
E-172Autopath CacThe difference of the end stop of the copier on the right is too small
E-173Autopath CacThe difference of the end stop of the copier on the left is too small
E-174Autopath CacThe difference of limit stops of the prefix height is too small
E-175KSRThe difference of end stops of the unloading pipe height is too small
E-176KSRDamper limit stop difference is too small
E-179Electro-hydraulic drive of chassis EFAFaulty input/output of the switching facilitation deviceSwitching gears is difficult.The valve of the switching relief device is not switched on. The malfunction can be eliminated only by replacing the module EFA.
CodeModuleFaultWorking StateEliminating
E-180Electro-hydraulic drive of chassis EFAThe permissible values of the movement lever potentiometer have not been reachedOnly when examining the potentiometer of the movement lever: The study can not be successfully completed, because the collected values of the potentiometer do not lie in an acceptable range.The movement potentiometer signal does not reach the following Values or exceeds Their: The lever of movement is completely ahead: 6.9-7.3 inControl lever in neutral position: 3.8-4.2 inLever of movement completely behind: 0.8-1.2 inCheck the control system of the movement potentiometer.Check Cable Connection.
E-182Autopath CacError Study End Stops
E-183Autopath CacError Study End Stops
E-185ATPZero points Copying Auto pilot arcs ATP Not okay
E-186ATPAngle of the wheels outside the permitted tolerance field for direct movement
E-187Device CABSwitching to boosting gear is not possible
E-188ATPNot Connected Carbon copy System
E-189KSRThe approach to all end stops has not been fulfilled
E-190KSRThe difference between the left/right values is too small
E-191KSRUnloading pipe position outside of the learned end stopsThe unloading tube for training does not move to the end stop.
CodeModuleFaultWorking StateEliminating
E-192GGSIncorrect signals CAN, Start aborted
E-193Electro-hydraulic drive of chassis EFANo hydraulic pump speed sensor signalLimited Operation: Movement toMax. 7 km/hour on the 1st transfer,Approx. 12 km/h on 2nd gearNo speed sensor signals: Check the cable connection of the module With The speed sensor on the Breakage.
“Engine Not Turns”Check the plug-in connection of the speed sensor.
Replace Sensor Speed Rotation.
E-194Electro-hydraulic drive of chassis EFANo hydraulic motor speed sensor signalLimited Operation: Movement toMax. 7 km/hour on the 1st transfer,Approx. 12 km/h on 2nd gearNo speed sensor signals: Check the cable connection of the module With The speed sensor on the Breakage.
Check the plug-in connection of the speed sensor.
Replace Sensor Speed Rotation.
CodeModuleFaultWorking StateEliminating
E-195Electro-hydraulic drive of chassis EFANo high-pressure sensor signal forwardLimited Operation: Movement toMax. 7 km/hour on the 1st transfer,Approx. 12 km/h on 2nd gearNo pressure sensor signal: Check the cable connection from the module to the pressure sensor on the breakage or short circuit.
Check the plug-in connection of the speed sensor.
Replace Sensor Pressure.
Check the 14317.2 cable in the rear area to the pressure sensors in the shaft tube for damage.
E-196Electro-hydraulic drive of chassis EFANo high-pressure sensor signal backLimited Operation: Movement toMax. 7 km/hour on the 1st transfer,Approx. 12 km/h on 2nd gearNo pressure sensor signal: Check the cable connection from the module to the pressure sensor on the breakage or short circuit.
Check the plug-in connection of the speed sensor.
Replace Sensor Pressure.
Check the 14317.2 cable in the rear area to the pressure sensors in the shaft tube for damage.
CodeModuleFaultWorking StateEliminating
E-197Electro-hydraulic drive of chassis EFASwitch Braking More ActivatedThe machine cannot be moved, although the movement lever is removed.The malfunction is shown if the driver at the hill pushes the brake pedals with the foot and creates a brake pressure > 25 At least. If Fault Remains:
Check the brake pressure switch under the driver’s Landing.
Check the pedal switch under the driver’s Landing.
E-198FemMissing Signal Spinner Performance
E-199Electro-hydraulic drive of chassis EFAThe motion lock switch is not recognizedMachine Not Moves.Check the system of levers, fastening, adjustment. Check the switching signal of the delock switch.
Check the position of the control Roller/Control tab (on the potentiometer) relative to the segment.
The deformation of the reed is possible. Neutral position = 3.8-3.9 in on display
E-200ESRThe speed sensors are not recognized Mowing Devices
E-201ESRThe left speed sensor is not connected Mowing Apparatus
CodeModuleFaultWorking StateEliminating
E-202ESRMedium speed sensor not connected Mowing Apparatus
E-203ESRThe speed sensor is not connected to the right Mowing Apparatus
E-204ESR Hydra.Console More Revolves
E-205ESR Hydra.Pressure sensor for hydraulic feeding device faulty
E-206ESRThe speed of the prefix is not recognized
E-211Device CABModule output CAB, output 2, disconnected due to excess temperature
E-212Device CABModule output CAB, output 3, disconnected due to excess temperature
E-213Device CABModule output CAB, output 15, disconnected due to excess temperature
E-214Device CABModule output CAB, output 16, disabled due to excess temperature
E-215Device CABModule output CAB, output 29, disabled due to excess temperature
E-216Device CABModule output CAB, output 30, disconnected due to excess temperature

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