Astra HD8 troubleshooting (flashing codes)

astra hd8 troubleshooting (flashing codes)


The Iveco Electronic Diagnostic Tool (IT2000) provides effective diagnostics. When the vehicle arrives at the workshop, the driver’s information is taken into account and then the IT2000 is connected to carry out a comprehensive diagnosis, including

  • Reading the fault memory
  • Parameter reading
  • Engine test

It may be useful to print out the results, particularly if help desk assistance is required. Note that the Help Desk may not accept enquiries based solely on the blink code.

The Blink Code is a useful tool in certain cases (e.g. vehicle has broken down on the road), but it should not replace diagnosis with Iveco tools as it only gives general indications.

Experience is also essential for troubleshooting. In order to compensate for possible lack of experience with the new electronic system, a troubleshooting guide has been developed by Training in collaboration with the MS 6.2 EDC control unit experts.

The guide consists of two sections:

  • Mechanical faults with flashing code: This section identifies faults that can be detected directly by the 3 control unit, mainly electrical and electronic faults.
  • Mechanical faults by symptoms: This section describes possible faults that cannot be detected by the electronic control unit, mainly mechanical and hydraulic faults.

Troubleshooting is not a substitute for diagnosis using Iveco electronic diagnostic tools, but is intended as a supplement.

Blink code of troubleshooting (Table)

1.1OnDefective vehicle speed sensor. Tachigraph not functioning.Vehicle speed no longer limited, can be surpassed in case of poor resistance to advancement.Flight recorder detects long time at low speed.Control unit replacement value: 5 kph
Faulty tachigraph needle behaviourJuddering in high gearsCheck wiring, connections, component
1.2OnDefective multi-state switch.Check wiring, connections, component
No reduction in Economy mode
(1.2)(On)Multi-state switch blocked in one positionRemains in last selected modeCheck wiring, connections, component
No switching between normal and economy operation
1.3OffDefective cruise control.Cruise Control / PTO not functioningCheck wiring, connections, componentSwitch signals not plausible (pressed together)
No reaction after turning CC/PTO switches
1.4OnAccelerator pedal: defective powering or signal not plausible. Idle at 1000 rpm and faulty engine reaction to accelerator pedalCan be varied with warm engine by CC switch (Set + / Set -)
1.4OnAccelerator pedal: defective powering or signal not plausible. Idle at 1000 rpm and faulty engine reaction to accelerator pedalCan be varied with warm engine by CC switch (Set + / Set -)
1.5OffDefective clutch switch . CC/PTO not functioningJuddering on gear changeCheck wiring, connections, component
1.6OnBrake switch plausibility.Cruise control / PTO not functioningCheck wiring, connections, component
No reaction after turning CC/PTO switch
1.7OffAccelerator pedal sensor / brake switch plausibilityNo reaction from system
1.8OffDefective coolant temperature sensor.Greater combustion noise due to high injection advanceActive diagnosis of pre-heating element.Absence of overheating protection, replacement value = 0°C
Excessive starting time in cold conditionsParameter reading. Check wiring, connections, component
2.2OffTurbo air temperature sensor defectiveIf sensor indicates lower temperature than real, error not memorised and engine achieves better performance but with black smokeParameter reading.Replacement value = 20°C
Check wiring, connections, component
2.3OffDefective fuel temperature sensorParameter reading.No injection flow-rate correction, but driver does not notice.
Check wiring, connections, componentReplacement value = 970 mbar
2.4OnDefective turbo pressure sensor. Reduced powerTemporary black smoke in significant quantitiesModus parameter reading: if replacement value appears at idle, fault is confirmed
2.5OffDefective ambient pressure sensorContact Help Desk for control unit replacement because sensor built-in to the sameLess accurate VGT function at high altitude, but driver does not notice.
Replacement value = 970 mbar
(2.6)(On)Engine braking command switches or selector switch.Modus parameter reading.
Engine brake not functioning in all three selected modesCheck wiring, connections, component
(2.6)(On)Engine braking switch blocked closed.Active diagnosis of engine braking solenoid valveFuel injection interrupted by ECU, engine speed drops to 800 rpm, fuel injection again interrupted by ECU
Engine braking enabled only above 900 rpm
(2.6)(On)Engine braking switch blocked openEngine test on engine braking.Engine braking functions when activated by Modus or by other two selection modes (accelerator – brake)
Active diagnosis of engine braking solenoid valve
3.5OffBattery voltage too low or fault in voltage recognitionPossible pre-heating and starting problemsTest batteriesEDC operates with replacement value of 28V
4.1OffFaulty VGT pressure sensor capsule.Possible reduction in engine braking powerEngine test: Check wiring, connections, component.If capsule pressure increases during VGT test but , visually, the actuator does not move, it is seized.
Poor performance at low speeds and on accelerationCheck arrival of compressed air to capsule.
Check function of shut-off valve on chassis.
4.1OffRotating parts of turbo-compressor totally seized.Reduced engine braking powerEngine test: engine check-upCapsule memorises turbine revs sensor error, even if it functions correctly
Poor performance at low speeds and on acceleration
(4.1)(Off)VGT command solenoid blocked or seized closed.Poor vehicle accelerationEngine test: VGT.
Noise indicates faulty turbo behaviour (speed does not follow accelerator pedal)Turbine actuator active diagnosis
(4.2)(Off)VGT mechanism blocked closed. Reduced power with engine speed below 1200 rpm.Black smoke with normal function, after acceleration.Engine test: engine brake and VGT. Turbine actuator active diagnosisPower reduced by control unit due to excessive turbine speed
Engine brake disengaged by control unit in braking mode with high engine speeds
4.2OnFaulty turbo speed sensor. Reduced power and speedEngine test: check wiring, connections, component
4.3OnTurbine overspeed or excessive turbo pressure.Poor engine brake efficiencyEngine testFuel flow reduction during turbine over-revving
Reduced power
4.4OnVGT monitoring of control unit. Reduced powerEngine testDeviation of VGT variable geometry beyond set thresholds
(4.1)(Off)No compressed air delivery to VGT valve or insufficient pressure.Possible reduction in engine braking efficiencyEngine test: active diagnosis: turbine actuator.
(4.4)(On)Poor performance at low speeds and in accelerationCheck compressed air delivery to capsule.
Check function of shut-off valve on chassis
If not functioning check connections, wiring, component and passage.
If shut-off valve functions, check air line from shut-off to capsule and line connection to capsule.
Check mechanical efficiency of VGT command solenoid valve.
(4.1)(Off)VGT mechanism in turbine blocked half open. Poor performance at low and medium speeds and in accelerationPossible reduction in engine braking efficiencyEngine test: VGT, engine brake. Turbine actuator active diagnosisIf external VGT command mechanisms function but VGT test indicates fault, fault should be sought in turbo internal mechanisms.
4.5OnElectrical problem with VGT solenoid valve.Reduction in engine braking efficiencyEngine test: Check wiring, connections and component
Significant power reduction at low speed and in acceleration
4.6BlinkingEngine brake solenoid valve. Engine brake not functioningEngine test: check wiring, connections and componentIf engine brake does not function with engine test, solenoid valve is not powered by vehicle wiring
5.xOnEngine test (if fault is present):
Check wiring, connections and component (header cable as well)
6.1OnFaulty flywheel sensor.Engine start may take longer than usualModus fault memory reading.
Reduced engine speed and powerCheck wiring, connections and component
6.2OnCamshaft sensor.Engine start may take longer than usualModus fault memory reading
Reduced engine power and speedCheck wiring, connections and component
(6.1 – 6.2)(On)Camshaft phonic wheel offset due to loose screws.Reduced power with motor running (after recommendedDisconnect camshaft sensor.
Engine does not start or stops. Restart impossible.intervention)If engine starts, taking longer that usual, phonic wheel is offset.
6.4BlinkingEngine has reached 3800 rpm (motoring) for any reasonFault memory reading. Read flight recorder to confirm engine overspeed.
7.1OffTwo cable ABS/ASR interface problemsCheck vehicle wiring
ASR not functioning
7.4OffCAN gearbox command interruption.
Gearbox command does not function via CAN
(9.1)(Blinking)Faulty EDC control unit Engine stops or does not startContact Help Desk for control unit replacementNo diagnosis possible.
This error may not be memorised, depends on control unit condition.
9.2OnFaulty control unit (EEPROM memory).Fault memory cancelled, diagnosis possible only for current faultsContact Help Desk for possible replacement of control unit
Reduced engine speed and power
9.4OnMain relay faulty or blocked closed.EDC power remains on after turning key to off, danger of flattening batteryCheck wiring, connections and componentFault is memorised only after subsequent starting
EDC lamp stays on when key turned to OFF but engine stops.
9.5OnECU power frequently interrupted (5 times): Main relay faulty or engine stop by battery cut-off switch.Check main relay, wiring and component. Investigate possible driver habits regarding stopping engine without turning keyProblem solves only with subsequent switch-off procedure and correct data memorising.
9.6OnECU stop test fail.Internal control unit test procedure to check power stages. Could memorise other errors related to various actuator power stages.Contact Help Desk for possible replacement of control unit

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